I landed a job in Georgetown in the Duwamish industrial area. To save money on my 26-mile commute, I left my car behind and started trying other ways to get to work from my home in north Seattle. The effort soon expanded to other public transit options for other parts of the Duwamish, resulting in this website to help others get to, through and from the “Du” without always relying on their personal gas guzzler.
It wasn’t, and isn’t, easy to use public transportation in the Duwamish. It also wasn’t, and isn’t, boring.
Seattle south of downtown is a lot different than Seattle north of downtown. As a lifelong north ender, I guess I knew that from the start, but a bus ride between the two can really drive the point home. The Duwamish is also home to industrial-sized anomalies that aren’t found anywhere else in the city, like …mile-long railroad trains that roll back and forth with excruciating slowness blocking intersections … or clusters of RVs used as rolling villages by bands of street people … or world-class aerospace research labs … or unpaved roads filled with epic mud puddles … or Alaskan-bound barges filled to the top with cargo containers, cars, pickup trucks and pleasure boats … or waves of roaring trucks that never seem to end along the regional thoroughfares such as 1st and 4th Avenues South.
These differences are also part of the journey in the Duwamish. The web site will try to bring those experiences to readers along with commute tips.